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7 projects in 5 countries

We currently support 7 projects in 5 countries. In 2021 1.564 vulnerable children were given the opportunity to grow up in a family in their own country. In total we reached 3.812 parents,grand parents en care takers.

Our leading principle regarding the way we work our four intervention strategies.

Adoption procedure

The steps to be taken

Veelgestelde vragen projecten

Is it possible to apply for a subsidy for a project?

It is not possible to apply for a subsidy as an individual. We choose projects that we support ourselves.

Why does one project receive more money than others?

The amount that we contribute to a project depends on the kind of project. For example, searching for suitable foster care for a child that lives in a shelter costs a lot of time and money. Another determining factor is whether a project focuses on one aspect of precaution or reintegration, or whether it focuses on the entire scope of factors. We weigh what the project wants to achieve and how complex the topic is.